Inspired by the world famous fairy tale The Princess and the Pea by Hans Christian Andersen, The Press and the P is a short graphic story that reflects upon the sensitiveness of print and its connection with language. Inside, all the "print geeks" are invited to find out what PEAS have to do with print, but also how the invisible can be felt or why we should never forget to MIND. Through texture, variable pressure, blind impressions, hidden prophecies and other tricks you will be taking a journey through the many different P's in the letterpress vocabulary - as well as over a few mattresses!
Written, composed and printed by Leonor Carpinteiro | Hand Bound by Agnieszka Kunz, Jelisaveta Dzigurski, Leonor Carpinteiro and Kristiin Hanimagi | Printed at TYPA (Tartu, Estonia), in two colours, using movable type and other historical letterpress equipment
Pictures by Mana Kaasik
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